Star Ashley's sanctuary

Star Ashley's sanctuary
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Monday, August 14, 2023

Bitter and Black

I'm not the type of person who dances in the rain.

I tend to look at my life often with disdain.

The people in my life turn butterflies in my stomach into bile.

I just know deep down spending my life alone is much more worthwhile.


Why oh why Lord, did you have to bring me here?

Even your promise, purpose and will for me is so unclear.

I do what's best and that includes things that will honor you.

Yet the prayers that hurt me the most, none of it is coming true.


Maybe you should kill me now and get it over with.

Before I really become someone in your book who's unfit.

Or maybe you could take me to greener pastures for a change.

I'm sure blessing your daughter wouldn't be so strange.


I wonder how long ago did my heart started pumping something so bitter and black.

Maybe it's because of achievements and happiness that I lack.

It consumes me and almost all the time I wonder

If I am only here on earth just to suffer.


I'm serving you my cup of coffee; would you care to drink?

Will you save me? You know that my soul is quick to sink.

Decades of this life is enough for me to desire eternal rest.

I think I've had enough that I've burnt out my best.



Star Ashley Cruz

Aug. 14, 2023


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